So after what seems to have been almost a year of this blog doing nothing I've decided to reboot it, well at least try. So in this new year the blog will not only be showcasing work of graffiti artists that I want to share, but will also showcase some of the work I have completed over this past year on my course. I posted a little while ago showing some of the work I'd completed in my first year, and it's definitely gotten better. So in a way this blog might start having some design related articles posted. In addition to this i'm going to start posting some music that might take the interest of whoever is reading this article. Being heavily into instrumental hip-hop, beat music and other genres around this area, I'm hoping to find a new track, and maybe a new artist each week to post that will help spread the music that I love to other people. With all that new year, new blog bullshit out of the way here is some of the stuff I have completed over this past year that might interest you, all my own work, if you like it comment or email me, if you want to steal it, screw you, but yeah here it is, my work.

In my spare time I like to imagine I own a t-shirt company, and produce vectors like the one above, however this isn't a reality... yet. So until further notice this is just a vector, but I am hoping to put this low-poly deer onto a t-shirt
I do try and do favours for people, and this is one of them. One friend asked if I might be able to make a surfboard design for him for a surfing company he wanted to start up, however this hasn't gone any further from here, but something might happen!
At my university we have small projects called real jobs, these are projects that are actually used in the real world, rather than being something that is stuffed into a folder that is later labelled 'portfolio'. This project is for a small event going on in a town near me, more work from this project will appear soon so keep your eyes peeled!
Not much now but just a few bits to show you what I do, more will be on the way... when I can get it all in one place.
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